2025 British Film Festival

IBFF2025 Application Form

2025 Submission > Step 2

Application Form: Submitting a film for British Film Festival 2025 (IBFF2025)

About this submission

This * means that answer to the question is required for a successful submission

Is this a submission for a screenplay

Can you confirm that you have read, understood and agreed with Terms and Conditions of the festival?

At the submission stage you will only need to supply a link to your film for review. Can you confirm that in case your film is selected as a nominee for an award, you will be able to supply the film in a resolution of at least 1080p or higher for screening purpose?

About you

What is the name of the main applicant?

Email address

What is your role in the film you are entering?

For example Producer, Director, Production company manager, etc.

Are you applying as a student?

If you apply as a student, you will need to send in the proving document as mentioned in the eligibility section. Failing to send a proof will render your submission invalid

About The Film

Tell us about the film you are entering the festival

What is the title of your film?

Entry TOTAL Run length

There are two general categories based on the run length of the film you are submitting. films with run length of 45 minutes and under are categorized as SHORT length. Those with run length of more than 45 minutes are considered as FEATURE length. This includes opening and credit rolls. Please choose based on the TOTAL RUN LENGTH of your submitting film.

What type of film are you submitting?

Select the option that describes your entry type the closest or the best.

Is your film an animation?

While you may have some animation in parts of your submitting film, a film may not be considered as an ANIMATION if animation is not the core of the production. Please answer "yes" only if animation is the core production method of your film.

Is the story adopted or original

Is the music selected or originally composed for this film

When have you completed the production of this film?

Production completion date is when your film's post-production is also finalized and you had a completed film ready for its premiere, regardless of the other aspects of the project including marketing or screening. If you cannot remember the exact date please supply the closest date you think is accurate.

What is the film main spoken language?

Film synapses

Tell us about the storyline very briefly. This can end up in the festival brochure and publications.


Give us an idea about the film budget. This is optional but can help showing what you can do with the available budget

Cast and Crew

You'll supply the names of the key crew, as well as a list of the cast members

Writer's Full Name

If more than one writer, please state the main writer's name and list the others in the following list of crew members

Producer's Full Name

If more than one Producer, please state the main producer's name and list the others in the following list of crew members

Director's Full Name

If more than one Director, please state the main director's name and list the others in the following list of crew members

List main crew members

List cast members

Please include key cast members including lead and supporting actors/actresses

Screening Access

How to watch your film

Enter a full link to your film (URL)

This is where we can watch you film on.

IMPORTANT: The film MUST be accessible to all addresses in the United Kingdom (UK) without any regional restriction and without any requirements to register an account nor to install any new player other than those available to HTML5. Our jury members will NOT download or install any specific CODEC or player. Use full URL including http part.

If the film is password protected, please supply the password

This password shall remain unchanged for the duration of assessment. The password must be copy/paste-able (no emojis!) and it will be shared with our jury members and those who need to have access to the video for the purpose of IBFF competition. Leave blank if not applicable
We encourage you to change the password after the festival results.

Provide cautions, if any applicable, for the Jury members and other audience

Our jury need to be cautioned in advance. Leave blank if not application. Examples are (but not limited to): ● Flashing pictures (Epilepsy warning), ● Self-harm, ● Detailed injury of medical scene, ● Extremely offensive or Sexual language, ● Racial or Religious highly controversial material, ● Strong blood and/or gore, ● Sever violence or ● Other possibly distressing material.

Your Contact Information

We need this information to be able to communicate with you

What is your full postal address

We need this information to be able to communicate with you. This also is the address we'll use to send your awards to

Your phone number including country and local prefix

Based on the information you have provided the submission fee is not calculatable yet. When all is done, click next button to make the submission payment

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